Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

WineInspector Magazine February Edition online!

Enjoy our second edition and comment it below.

Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

Deutsche Twitter Wein Community

Liebe deutsche Fans,

ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, der Weinszene auf Twitter zu folgen. Die deutschsprachige Community hinkt noch hinterher. Unterstützt uns. Außerdem könnt ihr viele Informationen aus erster Hand und wesentlich schneller erfahren.

Wir freuen uns auf euch:

und viele mehr....

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013

Young Artist drew Jeannie Cho Lee....great pic

to the artist's homepage

Today in the glass....

Weinhaus Schuh Regent Tresterbrand 2009....

a limited edition with 40% of alcohol. You should buy it as fast as you can, if you would like to enjoy or gift it.Will be sold out very fast.


P.S.: You can buy it here

Montag, 11. Februar 2013

Concentration in the U.S. Wine Industry

"No other section of the supermarket offers as many choices as the wine aisle. A typical retailer is likely to have hundreds of unique wines on its shelves. Just three firms, however, account for more than half of the wine sales in the United States. What impact does this industry concentration have on consumer choices?"

Read the whole article:

Samstag, 2. Februar 2013

Bordeaux 2009 - prices sagged

The prices of Bordeaux 2009 have fallen since release (first time since 1997). Especially the first growths were not an ideal investment solution. Like in 1997 the problem was overpricing. "Demand from Asia gave the Bordelais the confidence to ask for unprecedented prices for the top 2009s (and 2010s) but investors have been left with a nasty taste as they have watched prices soften."
Currently the average price of 45 top red 2009s is 3,5% below release price.

Original article:

Freitag, 1. Februar 2013

Today in the glass....

.....Castillo Perelada Gran Claustro DO 2006. Hopfully it will be as elegant as the other Castillo Perelada wines. More information at the end of February in our WineInspector magazine. ;-)